Goal setting is something I think that everyone dives into with the best intentions, even if we a) don’t achieve those goals at all, or b) achieve those goals, but with a few differences.
In the spirit of setting goals for the coming year (i.e. new years resolutions), here is my list of things that I would like to tick off by the time NYE24 rolls around.
- Lose 3kg. And keep (most of) those kilos off.
- “Break into” all of my remaining Hedgehog Fibres skeins. I’ve fallen out of love with the brand, and I’d like to get some use out of them instead of just shipping them off to The Sewing Basket.
- Take old yarn to The Sewing Basket. As much as I wanted to get these yarns out of the house before the end of the year, The Sewing Basket has a donations freeze until February.
- Do the Inktober art challenge.
- Grow savings by $20k. Includes interest.
- Get all unused electronics out of the house.
- Use up/rehome remaining candle making supplies. Going forward, all leftover wax from other candles is to be recycled into wax melts.
- Start giving away some of my finish objects from the ‘to give away’ pile.
- Keep my nails short outside of vacations/special ocassions.
- Do a wine tasting.
- Try a new hobby. E.g. tablet weaving
- Do Sober October.
- Use my planners. Like, actually use them.
- Use up one sketchbook.
- Get rid of everything that I no longer use (that I can reasonably part ways with). Even if it gives me ‘buyers remorse’.
- Dust/tidy my room every day.
- Do Frugal February.
- Make produce bags.
- Stick to my ‘fun’ budget categories outside of my annual leave periods.
- Finish 3 beading projects.
- Create a blogging schedule. And stick to it.
- Create a proper skincare routine and stick to it. This very much includes no skin picking.
- Finish a project that has previously given me grief.
- Create my “25 Things To Do In 2025” list.